ORG Blog

Timothy Kincaid, EdD

Recent Posts by Timothy Kincaid, EdD:

Master This Simple Skill to Become a Great Leader


It’s no newsflash that being a good listener is important. Human beings are hardwired with a fundamental need to feel heard. For most of us, hearing comes naturally—but true listening involves more than merely hearing. Listening is an art.

Topics: Leadership Employee Engagement

Gain Insight into the Personality of Teams with DISC Heat Maps

ORG's exclusive “Heat Mapping” technology provides feedback to teams and organizations regarding their preferences and sets the groundwork for excellent coaching and change management conversations.

Topics: Leadership

6 Tips for Employee Engagement from the Executive Coaching Playbook

Executive leadership coaching is a powerful intervention for professional development and organization change.

Individuals and teams at all levels of organizations worldwide are working with professional coaches, with great outcomes.

So, what does an executive leadership coach do?

A coach serves as an objective thinking partner, someone who doesn’t give advice or provide the answers. Instead, the coach engages in a focused conversation, tapping curiosity, asking powerful questions and actively listening to help the “coachee” come up with their own best answer.

Topics: Employee Engagement Coaching

Building Stronger Teams with DISC

The DISC behavioral preferences assessment is widely accepted as a useful, accurate way to help individuals and groups to understand behavior traits and preferences for interaction,

Topics: Collaboration Leadership

Best & Worst of Labor Management Relations 2014-Where Are They Now?

At the end of last year, Overland Resource Group announced its annual Best & Worst of Labor Management Relations, highlighting what we felt were 2015’s “best” examples (UAW & Big Three Automakers), “worst” examples (Railway Labor Act), and gave Special Recognition to Salesforce for taking bold action to assure equal compensation for women and men. The 2015 list took a more macro-tack than previous years. We thought it interesting to revisit those named in our 2014 Best & Worst list to see what has changed in just over one year. Here are some highlights:

Topics: Collaboration Labor Management