ORG Blog

Vicki Kelsey

Vicki Kelsey

Vicki Kelsey is a member of the consulting team at Overland Resource Group and President/CEO of VKAL, Inc. She can be reached at

Recent Posts by Vicki Kelsey:

5 Proven Keys to Employee Engagement and Collaboration


Employee engagement. Seems that every time I look at Twitter, LinkedIn, or any leadership site someone is talking about it.

Yet with all this chatter, up to 88% of employees and 80% of leaders reportedly still do not have passion for their work.

Below are 5 keys to employee engagement that, if implemented consistently, have proven results in building a culture of collaboration and engagement.

Topics: Collaboration Employee Engagement

Voices, Votes, and External Influence: Labor Management History Repeats Itself

November 22, 2014 will be the 21st anniversary of the end of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) strike at American Airlines. This is significant to me for several reasons– one is because I was there, in the middle, and I remember it like it was yesterday. The second is because recent history reminds me of the power of external influences on the labor- management process in the United States.

Topics: Collaboration Conflict Resolution Labor Management Leadership Overland Resource Group Sustainable Change

The Interest-Based Leadership Checklist: A Crucial Tool for Effectively Guiding Difficult Conversations

Part 3 of 3 in an Interest-Based Leadership series

Topics: Collaboration Conflict Resolution Labor Management Leadership Overland Resource Group

Equal and Different-Leaders Can Value Both Using Interest-Based Leadership

Part 2 of 3 in an Interest-Based Leadership series

Topics: Collaboration Labor Management Leadership Sustainable Change

A Tale of Two Leaders: How Interest-Based Leadership Affects Employee Engagement

Part 1 of 3 in an Interest-Based Leadership series

Topics: Collaboration Conflict Resolution Labor Management Leadership Sustainable Change